Our network of contacts
As an independent asset manager, we work together with various custodian banks. This means that we, and therefore you too, benefit from extensive support in various areas.
Your assets remain booked at the bank of your choice, whereby sensusplus AG only has a limited power of attorney (i.e. we can neither withdraw nor transfer money).
Our custodian banks
PricewaterhouseCoopers monitors our compliance with the constantly changing rules and laws in asset management. We are also affiliated with the Swiss Association of Asset Managers (SAAM), the leading industry association of independent asset managers in Switzerland, and as SROs (Self-regulatory organisations) we are member of AOOS (Swiss public company for supervision).
With these supports, we can concentrate fully on our core business – the individual support of our clients; and you have the assurance that the protection of the investor is given the highest priority.
Our partners